home design

3 Tips for Designing Your Own Home

If you’re lucky enough to be able to design your own home from scratch, you’re likely feeling a wide range of emotions about it. While it can be exciting to create something custom for your family and needs, it can also be overwhelming to ensure that you cover all your bases and can take what you’re envisioning and make it into something tangible.

So to help you get exactly what you want out of this experience, here are three tips that will help you in designing your own home. 

The Pros and Cons of Working With An Architect 

For those who don’t really have any experience with building structures, you may want to consider working with an architect. According to HomeAdvisor, an architect will make it easier for you to take your vague ideas and turn them into something concrete. They may also be a good resource to help realize what’s possible with your home and how to best accomplish it.

However, an architect could also be inflexible and potentially unwilling to work with your exact needs and desires. So before you decide to use one, make sure you seriously speak to a few until you find one that matches well with your personality and home plans. 

Be Smart About Storage 

One of the biggest complaints people have about their homes is that there isn’t enough storage. When everything you own doesn’t have a place to reside in your house, it can disrupt the form and function of the entire property. Because of this, it’s important that you make smart storage decisions when designing your home.

According to Jessica of Freshome.com, you should try to include ample storage areas wherever you can. Keep in mind, however, that you only want to create storage spaces where they make sense and can be effectively used. Additionally, if you don’t need storage in a place where others might typically have it, like in a large walk-in closet, then don’t waste your living space by creating storage space that you likely won’t even use. 

Plan For The Future 

While your immediate needs are important, when building a forever home for your family, it’s crucial that you plan for the future and think ahead to how your needs may change. According to Jen Hill, a contributor to Dwell.com, this means thinking about how you’ll use the playroom once your kids don’t use it anymore.

You may also want to think about how many levels you have in your home if you’re wanting to stay there once you’re older and less mobile. These things can all have a big impact on your happiness in that home.

If you’re designing your own home in the near future, consider using the tips mentioned above to ensure you get a final product that you’ll love.