
All About Staining Services

Whether you are looking for a staining service to re-finish or completely renovate your furniture or to paint a piece of wood or metal, there are many different types of services you can choose from. These include routine staining, histological staining, and oil-based or gel-based stains.

Preparing The Wood For Staining

Adding stain to your wood will give your project a finished look and protect it from the elements. Preparing your wood before you apply the stain can give you the best results. The first step in preparing your wood for staining is to ensure it is dry. The stain won’t adhere well if you don’t remove all the moisture. Use a moisture meter to find your wood’s moisture content. Once you’ve figured out the moisture content of your wood, sand it down to remove dust and other particles. Using a coarser grade of sandpaper will allow the stain to absorb into the wood more easily. Sanding the wood is a simple process. It helps the stain penetrate the wood and leaves a smooth surface. You can do this by hand or with a mechanical sander. Be sure to wear safety goggles and gloves.

Routine Staining Vs. Special Staining

There are two main types of staining methods. The first is routine staining, which includes hematoxylin and eosin. It is used to detect and show the morphology of the tissue. Another type is special staining, which flags proteins and other substances. According to experts in staining services Helena, MT, special staining is a more complicated procedure. It is used to demonstrate specific structures in a disease condition. However, it is less automated than H&E. Historically, histologists used potassium dichromate, alcohol and other chemicals to stain tissue. Later, colored staining agents were developed. These days, most laboratories use automated instruments for common stains. Several formal regulatory bodies are accrediting fluorophores and other staining dyes. Some of the more sophisticated stains are complicated enough to make automation difficult. Routine staining, on the other hand, is a less complicated process. It is still important in diagnostic medicine, especially in tissue-based diagnosis. For example, H&E staining can stain organelles and extracellular components in cells.

Oil-Based Stain Vs. Gel-Based Stain

To get a professional-looking finish, it’s important to understand the difference between Oil-Based stain and gel-based stain. Both types of stain are excellent for wood, but your choice depends on several factors. For example, you need to consider whether the stain will be used on exterior or interior wood and the space it will be used in. Oil-based stains have a more intense color than water-based stains. These stains are thicker and able to be applied easily with a brush. You can use them on vertical surfaces that will not drip. Gel stains, on the other hand, are more expensive. They can be used to solve problems such as blotching and obscuring the grain of the wood. However, the consistency can be a bit off-putting for first-time users. Oil-based stains are best for interior woods. You can get a beautiful, durable finish by applying Arm-R-Seal, which will help your stain dry quickly. Afterward, you can seal it with a high-performance top coat.