Massage is a wonderful way to relax your muscles, ease your mind and let go of any built up stress. There are many different types of massage, including hot stone massage, that have a wide range of benefits. For anyone interested in hot stone massage, this article will outline what is involved when you get one or what some of the specific benefits of getting a hot stone massage are.
What Happens During Hot Stone Massage
Many people are unsure about what happens when you get a hot stone massage, but it is not so unrelated to a regular Swedish massage. During a hot stone massage, the therapist uses smooth basalt river rocks that are heated to 110 to 145 degrees Fahrenheit. Because basalt is a volcanic rock, the stones retain heat well and the river stones are particularly smooth so they will be gentle and comfortable on the skin.
During the massage, these smooth stones are placed on particular parts of the body to disseminate heat into these areas and help release tension. Some of the areas where hot stones can be placed include along the spine or on your stomach, chest, face, palms, or feet.
Benefits of Hot Stone Massage
There are many great benefits to hot stone massage. Take a look at some of the positive results that you can get from trying out this great form of massage.
Relieves Muscle Tension
The heat from the hot stones used in this type of massage help to increase blood flow to the areas targeted and can help to relieve muscle tension and pain. This type of increased relaxation promotes increased flexibility and range of motion, as well as decreasing frequency of muscle spasms.
Lower Stress Levels
Hot stone massage has also been shown to reduce stress and have cardiovascular health benefits. Just ten minutes of massage is enough to significantly reduce stress. The break for your body is equally as beneficial for your mind, allowing you to focus on your body’s relaxation and give you a mental break.
Improved Sleep
Regular hot stone massage can improve your sleep. The increased mental and physical relaxation can help you to sleep better and feel more rested. It can furthermore help you to get a more restful sleep. People who have regular massages are shown to feel more energetic and alert during the day as well.
Give Hot Stone Massage A Try
With all the many benefits that can be gained from hot stone massage, this form of massage is definitely worth a try. From the obvious benefits to your muscles and body, to the mental health benefits and improved ability to sleep, massage can add a lot to your quality of life. Check out some of the hot stone massage options near you today to start reaping the benefits for yourself.
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